I am a licensed
Marriage & Family Therapist
“If someone you know or care about is struggling
in a relationship, please allow me to help.”
I feel it is a privilege to be a therapist. I love my work. I take a creative and collaborative approach in my practice, researching innovative techniques and information to help you make the changes you desire.
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I am a licensed
Marriage & Family Therapist
“If someone you know or care about is struggling in a relationship, please allow me to help.”
I feel it is a privilege to be a therapist. I love my work. I take a creative and collaborative approach in my practice, researching innovative techniques and information to help you make the changes you desire.
Call for book an appointment
My story
How I Become a Professional
My story
How I Become a Professional
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For most people, marriage is an enriching experience. Yet we all know couples that are deeply…

For most people, marriage is an enriching experience. Yet we all know couples that are deeply…

What to Expect
In therapy we will discuss your problems and how they are currently affecting you. In doing so, offer you techniques to help you to learn a new set of behaviours, and help you to practice this new skill until it has become embedded. You’ll also be given helpful “homework” in the form of practicing your new skills. In the process, you should experience an improvement in your symptoms. The goal of CBT is a relatively rapid improvement and the cessation of therapy within 16 weeks, but each case is unique and the duration may vary from person to person.
Strategies for an emotional problems
If you Experiencing One of the Following Symptoms:
- Feeling Depressed, Feeling Stressed
- Battling With Anxiety, Panic Attacks or a Phobia
- Having Relationship Problems but are Unsure How to Move Forward
- Experiencing an Eating Disorder
- Weighed Down by Obsessive Rituals, Compulsive Checking or Hoarding

What to Expect
In therapy we will discuss your problems and how they are currently affecting you. In doing so, offer you techniques to help you to learn a new set of behaviours, and help you to practice this new skill until it has become embedded. You’ll also be given helpful “homework” in the form of practicing your new skills. In the process, you should experience an improvement in your symptoms. The goal of CBT is a relatively rapid improvement and the cessation of therapy within 16 weeks, but each case is unique and the duration may vary from person to person.
Strategies for an emotional problems
If you Experiencing One of the Following Symptoms:
- Feeling Depressed, Feeling Stressed
- Battling With Anxiety, Panic Attacks or a Phobia
- Having Relationship Problems but are Unsure How to Move Forward
- Experiencing an Eating Disorder
- Weighed Down by Obsessive Rituals, Compulsive Checking or Hoarding